Program areas at American Academy in Rome
Fellowships and residencies:through its annual Rome prize fellowship program, the Academy supported thirty- one individuals working in architecture, ancient studies, design, historic preservation and conservation, landscape architecture, literature, medieval studies, modern italian studies, musical composition, renaissance and early modern studies, and visual arts. The fellowship winners in residence at the Academy pursue their own independent projects for periods of 5 months to 2 years. in addition, the Academy community included twelve residents, who are eminent artists and scholars who stay at the Academy for periods up to 4 months, twenty-one affiliated fellows, selected by sponsoring institutions, and five italian fellows, selected by the Academy to stay at the Academy for periods of 3 or 4 months.
Arthur and janet c. ross library:the library's wide-ranging catalogue includes invaluable collections in history, archaeology, and the art of Rome and italy. It includes an extensive photographic archive documenting Rome's many monuments as well as a comprehensive record of the work of past Rome prize fellows, and a small but varied teaching collection of antiquities ranging from statues and inscriptions to pottery and millstones. With over 168,000 holdings in classical studies and the history of art and architecture, the library is widely respected for its collections in ancient mediterranean archaeology and art, greek and latin literature, ancient topography including the history of the city of Rome, ancient religions, as well as related fields such as epigraphy, numismatics and papyrology. The rare book collection consists chiefly of 16th to 18th century imprints in classical studies, archaeology, art, and architecture, including a sizeable collection of roman guidebooks and early art treatises. Further included are titles in contemporary art and architecture, landscape architecture, italian history and literature, American literature, historical travel books, and music. The main users of the library are the fellows and residents of the American Academy, but reading passes are also issued to italian scholars, qualified roman residents, and visiting artists and scholars. The library counts approximately 9,000 visits annually.
Other residential programs:the Academy community included 78 visiting artists and scholars who rent rooms, apartments, study spaces, and studios while pursuing their research in Rome.
Arts and humanities events, summer programs, publications and other programs.