Program areas at American Alliance for Theatre and Education
The aate national conference, held in a different city each year, brings together Theatre artists and educators from around the world to exchange ideas and best practices in the field of Theatre and Education the events include workshops, panels, performances, keynotes, networking events and discussions that reflect on the successes and challenges within the field and sets goals for the future.
Publications incite/insight - aate's online magazine for practitioners in the field of Theatre Education and Theatre for youth. Incite/insight is published six times each year, featuring articles that highlight unique and progressive work with youth and address themes including gender,curriculum, technology and social responsibility within the field youth Theatre journal - the scholarly journal of aate, ytj is a juried publication, dedicated to advancing the study and practice of Theatre and drama.
Theatre in our schools: aate makes resources available for parents, teachers,students, artists and professionals to raise the awareness of the benefits of Theatre in Education. Aate provides online resources such as advocacy toolkits, facts, figures and statistics about the effectiveness of Theatre for youth development as well as offline resources such as buttons, posters and live events rate also uses publicity, social media, public relations and personality spokespeople.
Other programs to provide conferences, publications and Theatre arts and research to individuals, organizations Theatre arts and research to individuals, organizations