Program areas at AACTE
Meetings and events: contains annual meeting, meeting & events, Washington week, and leadership academy. Provides support for various programs designed to enhance the development and maintenance of leadership capabilities of those in the profession, promote Teacher Education as a profession, and promote and maintain educational standards within the membership. These activities are carried out through special meetings, conferences and seminars.
Memberships: Aacte membership helps members broaden their knowledge to address current challenges and provides opportunities to network with professionals with common interests and goals to enrich their development. Members receive exclusive access to free or discounted fees for a range of programs, events, products, and services: including journal subscriptions, a membership directory, professional development trainings and webinars, advocacy resources, leadership opportunities, and dozens of toolkits, guides, and assessment materials.
Organizational advancement: the Association develops and produces publications and other types of literature relating to Teacher Education. Also, upon request, the Association collects and provides information of special interest to the membership and those in the profession.
Government relations: the Association collects and communicates to its members, information on the activities of the federal and state governments, which will have an impact on Teacher Education and be of common interest to the Colleges and universities.