Program areas at AAPI
Summit: conference with current information on the medical profession. This medical conference is an effective platform for networking, was packed with continuing medical education (cmes), research poster symposium, seminars/workshops on social media, healthcare laws, physician wellness and leadership issues.
Adopt-a-v illage program to make quality healthcare accessible universally to village and taluka and district levels, aapi has been part of the adopt-a-village project, which enables aapi members to adopt the village they hail from originally and make a significant contribution towards its development.
Oxygen projects funding: to raise covid relief funds for india to send oxygen concentrators, ventilators & oxygen generator plants to different hospitals in india.
Journal printing and mailing expenses - a quarterly magazine with updated information on various topics sent to all members. Aapi journal contains information about the current, past, and future events, programs, announcements, committee reports, membership recruitment drives, scientific articles, medical practice, and health and lifestyle advice columns of interest to members and is mailed to members.yps/msrf the young Physicians sections of indian americans, yps and msrf, under the umbrella aapi organized w inter medical conference each year. Coac revenue and expenses: funds raised for veterans obesity awareness campaign and funds used for the campaign.cme/tours: aapi conducts the family cme tours in line with its core objectives, addressed by world-renowned speakers, offering insights into the curren t and best practice of wide-ranging topics of cme sessions, for the aapi delegates in acco rdance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the accme.share a blanket: winter blanket drive is being organized in Association with aapl's local chapters to donated thousands of blanket kits to the poor and the needy in several homeless shelters across th e nation. Aapi will match up to 500 for each chapter in their efforts to identify a place/ shelter, who is in need of blankets, and purchase and distribute blankets to as many as your chapter can afford.