Program areas at American Association of University Women / Aauw-Educational Foundation
American fellowships - are awarded to Women who are u.s. citizens or permanent residents pursuing full-time study to complete dissertations, to conduct postdoctoral research full time, or to prepare research for publication. Selected professional fellowships are awarded to Women pursuing full-time study in a master's or professional degree program in which Women are underrepresented, including stem, law, business, and medicine.
International fellowships - are awarded to Women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the united states who are not u.s. citizens or permanent residents. International project grants are awarded to alumnae of aauw's international fellowships program who are living in their home countries and pursuing community-based projects toimprove the social advancement and economic empowerment of Women and girls.
Research and projects - research and projects exist to help advance equity for Women and girls; protect them from discrimination and abuse; promote educational and workplace opportunity and achievement; advocate for public policies that benefit them and their families; and, break through barriers that prevent them from attaining their personal goals and full potential; aauw funds research through widely disseminated research reports and updates, including: the simple truth: analyzes the gender pay gap; deeper in debt: addresses the fact that student loan debt disproportionately affects Women; broken ladders: describes barriers to Women's representation in nonprofit leadership. Aauw also conducts member programs and direct support programs including start smart and work smart.
Advocacy - includes aauw's policy programs, civic engagement, and activities to connect, educate, and rally members, supporters and advocates to advance its mission to empower Women and girls at the national and state levels.
Meeting and convening - includes activities related to state conventions, collaborative convening, and the national conference on college Women student leaders (nccwsl).
Communications and external relations - includes all activities related to serving, engaging, and communicating with members and the general public.
Legal advocacy fund (laf) - laf combats sex and gender discrimination through case support for legal cases in higher education and the workplace.
Membership - expenditures are used to assist state and local aauw branches with member recruitment and retention, gender equity related programs such as pay equity public education initiatives and training programs, as well as education initiatives and leadership programs targeted for Women and girls.
Other programs