Program areas at American Astronomical Society
Journals - we publish the astrophysical journal which is the leading scientific journal in astronomy and astrophysics in the world. We also publish the astrophysical supplement, letters and the Astronomical journal. Our journals are the leading source of scientific content in astronomy and related fields. In 2022, we published over 74,000 pages or 5,353 articles.
Membership services - maintain membership database and the aas website, publish on-line newsletters, printed membership directories and an annual printed calendar.
Meetings - the aas holds two meetings per year in addition to the annual meeting for the six divisions of the aas. The meetings serve as a venue in which the members can share scientific research with our community. In addition to formal presentations, we ensure that events are scheduled to facilitate the sharing of information and ideas. In 2022, we cancelled our winter meeting due to the covid variant. We had over over 1,800 registrants at our summer meeting.
Grants and assistance. In 2022, the Society administered the international travel grant program. The Society also provides grants to other charitable organizations, students, early career members, prize winners and scientific editors.
Education and outreach: the Society promotes broad interest in astronomy, which enhances science literacy and lead many to careers in science and engineering.
Job register: the Society publishes a job register that advertises jobs for individuals in astronomy and astrophysics. The jobs posting are posted by research, commercial, industry, government and public policy sector organizations. In 2022, we published 1,515 job advertisements.
Public policy and lobbying: the Society works with other scientific and educational societies to promote the advancement of Society.
Strategic initiatives: society-wide projects that improve the opertations of the Society and projects that are central to the mission of the aas. The current projects include website improvements, astronomy ambassador program and the oral history project. These projects are funded by council-approved transfers from the journals program.
Sky and telescope: the sky and telescope line of businesses include sky and telescope magazine which is published monthly, an online store and a tour business.