Program areas at American Board of Medical Specialties Research and Education Foundation
Abms ref oversees the implementation and coordination of the abms visiting scholars program (vsp). Vsp is for early-career physicians, Medical and surgical specialists, and Research professionals, junior faculty, fellows, and residents, as well as individuals holding master or doctorate degrees in public health, health services Research, educational evaluation and statistics, public health policy and administration, or other relevant disciplines.vsp scholars are exposed to the fields of physician professional assessment and continuing professional development, quality improvement, health care policy and regulation, and health services Research. Vsp scholars conduct Research in (continued in sch o) collaboration wth mentors from their insititutions, abms, and abms member boards. Through their Research and program engagement, vsp scholars inform the study of continuing professional development, physician assessment, self-regulation, and quality improvement.
Abms ref develops, deploys, maintains, and improves an online repository of published literature and other presentations on initial physician specialty certification, continuing physician specialty certification, or components of continuous certification such as knowledge assessment, adult learning and Education, and quality improvement. This curated repository informs researchers, key stakeholders and abms member boards regarding findings that can be used to improve the certification process.
Abms ref synergizes, guides, convenes, facilitates conducts, and collaborates in relation to all aspects of Research regarding abms initial and continuing certification across 24 member boards. Abms ref also partners with other researchers to develop Research in the areas of quality and performance improvement, patient safety, adult learning and Education, Research and Education Foundation and other disciplines. The abms ref conducts program evaluation and Research on the abms longitudinal assessment programs to analyze physician knowledge, judgement, and skills.