Program areas at ABIC
Immigration advocacy: Abic's community of Business leaders, on-the-ground organizers, and advocates work tirelessly to educate stakeholders on the economic benefits of a pathway to legalization. We have brought together university presidents, Business leaders, employers, farmers and growers, leaders from essential industry sectors, dreamers, farm workers, and tps holders to call attention to the critical role immigrants play in the u.s. economy and recovery effort, and to amplify the incredible economic potential that would be unleashed with a pathway to citizenship. Additionally, Abic's expanding chapter strategy has allowed us to build our voice in key states and regions where local Immigration issues and education about reform build public pressure that is often leveraged into national advocacy. We invest in bipartisan state-level victories to deepen and expand our base, create a more pro-business pro-immigrant landscape, and provide a model for bipartisan collaboration on Immigration.
Public education and narrative shift: Abic's focus on shifting the narrative on Immigration is a core component of our strategy. We work at the local, state, and national level to change the prevailing "scapegoat" dialogue that immigrants threaten jobs and weaken the economy, replacing that message with the real experiences of Business owners, dreamers, and industry, faith, and civic leaders. Abic generates billions of media impressions in thousands of outlets each year. The unique trust and bridges we have built with stakeholders from all backgrounds and ideologies allows us to reach diverse audiences through op-eds, letters to the editor, and featured articles.
Small Business recovery: Abic participates in and continually works to help small immigrant and minority owned businesses navigate through pandemic and post pandemic recovery through technical assistance, resource sharing and a robust referral network. Abic helps small businesses build resources and capacity through government resources that have been traditionally difficult to obtain.