Program areas at ACSH
Acsh achieves its mission through ongoing general educational programs and activities that include: producing peer-reviewed publications; producing and distributing a daily e-news brief and feed that presents acsh's scientific perspective on current and/or emerging Health and science-related news stories, events and/or medical breakthroughs; producing informative video commentaries, podcasts, and films; writing op-eds, commentaries and letters-to-the editor that are published in leading national and local newspapers, popular magazines and/or journals; hosting an educational website at that provides scientific assessments of current trends and studies in Health and medicine, and free download of acsh scientific publications; appearing on radio and tv to dispel myths and confront controversies head on; cultivating partnership opportunities with like-minded institutions and organizations; providing oral and written testimony at regulatory and legislative hearings and forums; hosting social media portals and channels on youtube, x/twitter, and facebook.highlights of the 2023 fiscal period: 1) published 678 articles on our website. In fy 2023, our website had more than 2 million unique visitors and more than 3 million page views. Published more than 156 issues of our dispatch daily and 51 issues of our weekend dispatch edition e-newsletters that are read by more than 16,000.2) promoted its scientific conclusions on current public Health topics related to food and nutrition, chemicals and the environment, biology and biotech, Health and medicine, harm reduction, disease, neuroscience and social sciences, parents and children.3) partnered with organizations to reach broader audiences, such as: agbioworld, atlantic legal foundation, board on environmental studies and toxicology, cato institute, center for consumer freedom, the center for countering digital hate, center for truth in Science, competitive enterprise institute, consumers' research Council of america, Council for agricultural Science and technology, the heritage foundation, kaiser family foundation, national association of scholars, pm 2.5 group, realclearhealth, realclearscience, stanford university school of medicine, and university of California, berkeley. 4) published numerous Health and Science editorials and commentaries in major, popular newspapers and online journals read by millions, such as issues & insights, philadelphia inquirer, the wall street journal, the baltimore sun, the new york times, bloomberg business week, the Washington times, the Washington examiner, law360, harvard bill of Health newsletter, new york post, chicago times, boston globe, and others. Through these commentaries and mentions in articles acsh's reach was more than 3.5 billion people.5) appeared on radio and tv media to publicize acsh's scientific positions on programs such as lars larson (weekly appearance on a syndicated radio show), john batchelor cbs eye on the world (nationally syndicated), mark hahn kscj radio, and others. We reached nearly 4 million through broadcast media such as television, radio, and podcasts.6) our experts met with policymakers in the executive and legislative branches of the federal government. In addition, we testified before agency panels and congressional committees including centers for disease control, drug enforcement administration, environmental protection agency's clean air scientific advisory committee, food and drug administration, and others.7) promoted acsh's conclusion via social media and internet outreach activities that reach millions of online users via website; our acsh dispatch e-news briefs; the distribution of informative video commentaries on acsh youtube channel "matter of facts;" facebook pages (the general page and others related to vaccine and immunizations, fracking, eating without fear, women's Health, and helping addicted smokers.) and twitter with more than 10 million direct reach and more than 2 million engagements.8) promoted the acsh Science dispatch podcast show which is hosted by former acsh director of bio-sciences cameron english, and co-hosted with acsh medical director chuck dinerstein. It is released weekly and features a 30- minute (which will be modified to a 15-minute format) audio interviews with acsh experts on current topics and events. The show is distributed free-of-charge on popular platforms such as spotify and itunes where listeners can subscribe to receive the weekly episodes. We have nearly 1,000 weekly viewers.the three largest programs used to promote acsh's scientific and educational programs, and scientific research to the public include:1. Acsh's educational website and e-newsletter acsh dispatch are our two most important digital communications vehicles. logged more than 5 million visitors, nearly doubling the number of visitors for last year. Our website hosts all acsh publications, brochures, dispatch articles, activities, position statements and content, which are all available for free download. Content on is updated daily.2. Acsh's media and social media outreach strategies, portals, and platforms continue to grow exponentially, such as facebook (we've increased our likes, shares, and comments), twitter (our acsh account followers are up slightly), and youtube (30 to 40 percent of our videos get between 3,000-10,000 views, placing them in the top 20 percent of videos worldwide). Acsh dispatch, our electronic e-news bulletin that provides regular scientific perspectives on the most current, urgent, breaking Health news, events, studies and technologies also slightly increased its subscriptions. In addition, we reached nearly 4 million through broadcast media such as television, radio, and podcasts.3. We are maintaining an aggressive direct-to-consumer outreach program by mail that promotes acsh research (through list sharing and exchanges with like-minded institutions) to individuals and foundations not previously familiar with our work, thereby building a larger audience. The total reach was more than 20,000.