Program areas at ADA
Build a community for a professional association of over 176,000 dentists by developing and promoting member value, recruiting and retaining members, fostering collaborative tripartite network (national, state, local) provide leadership development, advance diversity and inclusion, and position ADA as America's leading advocate for oral health.
Develop and produce ADA's annual meeting which includes scientific programs, general audience programs, and hands-on workshops for dentists and their staff. There are also special events such as the distinguished speaker series and keynote address for attendees of the annual session. There is a technical exhibition (ADA World Marketplace) for attendees to experience and test dental products and services for use in their dental practices. Due to the continuing Covid-19 pandemic In 2022, there were in person/virtual annual meeting. There were 9,905 attendees in person & virtually, receiving 23,099 hours of continuing education, and 558 booths/exhibits in the ADA World Marketplace. Also included, is ADA as the premier dental education provider by providing a continuing education program throughout the year that is comprehensive and integrated.
Promoting high quality and effective processes for dental education, dental licensure and credentialing. This is accomplished through monitoring and disseminating information on dental education and licensure issues and conducting studies. There are also ongoing liaison activities with related organizations which also serve dental education and licensure including the recognized dental specialty certifying boards, sponsoring organizations, and allied dental organizations. ADA seeks to improve the quality of continuing education available for dentists. ADA accredited 1,611 education programs and nearly 44,557 individuals sat for certifying exams.