Program areas at AEA
The aea holds conferences and programs throughout the year including the annual meeting - where the aea in conjunction with 66 associations in related disciplines known as the allied social sciences associations (assa), holds a three-day meeting each january to present papers on general economics topics. Other conference/workshops held include the aea summer program, continuing education conference, cement workshops, educate, the ctree conference, csqiep mentoring conference and summer mentoring pipeline conference.
Publishing of "American Economic review," "journal of Economic literature," "journal of Economic perspectives," "aej:economic policy," "aej:applied economics," "aej:macroeconomics," "aej:microeconomics and "aer: insights." Approximately 20,000 members and subscribers served.
Production and maintenance of "econlit" - a database of Economic papers, articles, etc from top Economic sources which can be used for research.
Committees includes program committees to address specific issues in the economics field to support the operations of the aea.
Joe network - one site targeted to the comprehensive needs of participants in the annual Economic job market cycle. Companies and universities advertise job openings. The network also automates the repetitive activities of participants in the economics job market cycle including employers, candidates and faculty letter writers.
Rct registry - a study registry for randomized controlled trials in economics.
Website content and communications.
Support of other Economic field organizations.