Program areas at American Historical Association
Grants and funding programs: each year, the Association provides numerous research grants, fellowships, and other funding programs to support the study and exploration of history. Research grants and fellowships in a diverse number of subject areas are awarded annually to cover expenses related to furthering Historical research in progress. The aha also provides grants to institutional partners to lead "history gateways," an evaluation and substantial revision of introductory college-level history courses to better serve students from all backgrounds and align more effectively with the future needs of a complex society. The aha's sharp grants program has supported 50 small history-focused institutions which were adversely affected by covid-19.
Annual meeting: the Association's annual meeting provides a unique forum for members and the general public to exchange information, research, and ideas. Attendees of the annual meeting have the opportunity to explore Historical connections with scholars outside their fields, identify new research and scholarships, meet with editors, discover resources for teaching and learning, join critical discussion with other historians, and gain new skills for research, teaching, and public engagement.
Membership services: the Association provides advocacy and support for historians in all fields and professions by promoting history education, the professional work of historians, and the critical role of Historical thinking in public life. Members benefit from the aha's leadership on issues such as academic freedom, access to archives, the centrality of history to public culture, improvements in curricula, and other vital issues. The Association's programs and initiatives, including regional conferences, teacher institutes, and regular online events, advance teaching and learning of history, enhance the career development of historians, and encourage scholarly discussion.
Publications: the Association's diverse publishing program serves the following efforts in the advancement of history; to strengthen the study and teaching of history; to address the common concerns of the Historical community; to represent the discipline in policy matters; to provide timely and systematic coverage of research developments; and to disseminate new scholarship and information for its application in a variety of ways.
Awards and prizes: the Association recognizes a wide variety of distinguished Historical work, which can take the form of an exceptional book in the field, distinguished teaching and mentoring in the classroom, film, or digital projects and resources. Since 1896 the Association has conferred over a thousand awards. The names, publications, and projects of those who received these awards are a catalogue of the best work produced by members of the Historical discipline.