Program areas at AMTA
We serve approximately 103,000 amta members by providing access to the knowledge and skills necessary to competently practice Massage Therapy, information resources and tools; and, creating consumer preference for amta professional classification members. These services are carried out nationally and through 51 amta chapters.products and services include:continuing education through a variety of vehicles, including face-to-face, online, and in periodicals. Number served - 100,000.providing business-related publications, periodicals, and products, including mtj, Massage today, hands on newsletter, student experience e-newsletter, amta's career center, amta's Massage Therapy information center/help desk, professional and general liability insurance, and other affinity programs. In addition, the Association provides industry data and statistics to Massage Therapy schools to enhance their ability to train qualified Massage therapists.copies of periodicals issued - over 1,000,000 annually.
Create demand for Massage Therapy as a routine part of society's health and well-being. This is accomplished through two major programs provided as a public service: amta's find a Massage therapist free national locator service and the consumer awareness program - the Association continues to be the voice of the profession. Our active media relations, public relations, and healthcare and corporate awareness programs educate the public about the benefits of Massage Therapy, what to expect from a professional Massage, and how to find qualified practitioners and schools. Our information reached more than 360 million readers, viewers, and listeners in 2022.
Advance the art, science, and practice of Massage Therapy. This is accomplished by advocating professionalism through collaborative development of educational requirements, upholding accreditation and board certification, proactively pursuing fair and consistent Massage Therapy licensure in every state, requiring continuing education, and standing for professional ethics and standards. In addition, amta financially supports the Massage Therapy foundation, to further advance the profession through research and evidence-informed practice of Massage Therapy.