Program areas at ANRC
International relief and development services:the organization helps vulnerable people around the world prevent,prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters, complexhumanitarian emergencies, and life-threatening health conditionsthrough global initiatives and community-based programs. With a focuson mass scale disease prevention, disaster management, restoring familylinks, and the dissemination of international humanitarian law, theorganization provides rapid, effective, and large-scale humanitarianassistance to those in need. To achieve our goals, the organizationworks with our partners in the international Red Cross and Red crescentmovement and other international relief and development agencies tobuild local capacities, mobilize and empower communities, and establishpartnerships.
Service to the armed forces:the organization provides military members, veterans, and theirfamilies with emergency communications services, programs and servicesfor the sick, wounded and recovering at veterans and military medicalfacilities, job training and education, and other vital services foru.s. Military families around the world.
Community services:in fiscal year 2023, the American Red Cross continued to deliver Its lifesaving mission while safeguarding the health and safety of our employees, volunteers, blood donors and recipients, partners and clients. The Red Cross remains steadfast in delivering Its lifesaving mission to make sure those in need receive help and hope.