EIN 53-0196605

American National Red Cross (ANRC)

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.​.
Also known as...
American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches; Shared Services Center
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at ANRC

International relief and development services:the organization helps vulnerable people around the world prevent,prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters, complexhumanitarian emergencies, and life-threatening health conditionsthrough global initiatives and community-based programs. With a focuson mass scale disease prevention, disaster management, restoring familylinks, and the dissemination of international humanitarian law, theorganization provides rapid, effective, and large-scale humanitarianassistance to those in need. To achieve our goals, the organizationworks with our partners in the international Red Cross and Red crescentmovement and other international relief and development agencies tobuild local capacities, mobilize and empower communities, and establishpartnerships.
Service to the armed forces:the organization provides military members, veterans, and theirfamilies with emergency communications services, programs and servicesfor the sick, wounded and recovering at veterans and military medicalfacilities, job training and education, and other vital services foru.s. Military families around the world.
Community services:in fiscal year 2023, the American Red Cross continued to deliver Its lifesaving mission while safeguarding the health and safety of our employees, volunteers, blood donors and recipients, partners and clients. The Red Cross remains steadfast in delivering Its lifesaving mission to make sure those in need receive help and hope.

Who funds American National Red Cross (ANRC)

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Vanguard Charitable Endowment ProgramFor Recipient's Exempt Purpose$6,859,474
Lilly EndowmentDisaster Relief$5,000,000
Anne Ray FoundationMeasles and Rubella Initiative$4,000,000
...and 991 more grants received totalling $107,353,383

Personnel at ANRC

Cliff HoltzPresident and Chief Executive Officer
Clifford HoltzChief Operating Officer$749,814
Noel AndersonChief Sustainability and Business Operations Officer
Brian J. RhoaChief Investment Officer$610,239
Carmel DarcyChief Financial Officer$335,444
...and 13 more key personnel

Financials for ANRC

RevenuesFYE 06/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$919,126,379
Program services$2,167,924,872
Investment income and dividends$76,827,242
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$25,402,149
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$5,390,917
Net income from fundraising events$-849,629
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$23,255,681
Total revenues$3,217,077,611

Form 990s for ANRC

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-062024-03-07990View PDF
2022-062023-03-03990View PDF
2021-062022-02-24990View PDF
2020-062021-04-21990View PDF
2019-062020-02-07990View PDF
...and 11 more Form 990s
Data update history
November 26, 2024
Received grants
Identified 152 new grant, including a grant for $3,813,931 from The Blackbaud Giving Fund
November 8, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 20 new personnel
November 3, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 6 new personnel
October 25, 2024
Used new vendors
Identified 1 new vendor, including
August 26, 2024
Received grants
Identified 373 new grant, including a grant for $14,366,298 from American Online Giving Foundation
Nonprofit Types
Human service organizationsFamily service centersHeadquarter / parent organizationsCharities
Human services
Political advocacyLobbyingFundraising eventsPeer-to-peer fundraisingOperates internationallyReceives government fundingEndowed supportCommunity engagement / volunteeringGala fundraisersTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
431 18th St NW
Washington, DC 20006
Metro area
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
District of Columbia, DC
Website URL
(310) 445-9900
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
P20: Human Service Organizations
NAICS code, primary
624230: Emergency and Relief Services
Parent/child status
California AB-488 details
AB 488 status
May Operate or Solicit for Charitable Purposes
Charity Registration status
FTB status revoked
Not revoked
AG Registration Number
FTB Entity ID
None yet
AB 488 data last updated ("as-of") date
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