Program areas at ASCB
Diversity, equity, and inclusion: ascb has current government-funded grants and one foundation-funded grant with support for diversity, equity, and inclusion as stated aims. These are: two national institutes for health (nih) funded programs, two national science foundation (nsf) funded programs, and one program funded by a private foundation. Nih programs: innovative programs to enhance research training (ipert) - this program seeks to support creative and innovative research educational activities to enhance The diversity of The biomedical workforce and support career development and transition (continued on schedule o). The program is for scientists underrepresented in biomedical science. This program provides skills development training and provides mentorship to help participants overcome challenges to successful career transition. The program focuses on The successful transition from postdoctoral to faculty and faculty to full-tenured faculty. The program also provides activities for The entire Society to bring awareness of diversity, equity, and inclusion in The sciences. Maximizing opportunities for scientific and academic independent careers (mosaic) - this program seeks to enhance diversity within The academic biomedical workforce to facilitate The transition from postdoctoral researchers to research-intensive faculty. The program is for scientists underrepresented in biomedical science. The program develops cohorts, provides career and science mentorship, enhances scientific and professional networks, and provides career and professional development skills. Nsf programs: faculty research and education development (fred) program - this program is designed to promote grant funding success for senior postdoctoral and junior faculty from backgrounds underrepresented in stem. The program also serves postdoctoral and junior faculty at minority-serving institutions. Rcn leaps - leveraging, enhancing, and developing Biology (led-bio) scientific societies shedding light on persistent cultural challenges- this program seeks to address issues impacting diversity at The community level by creating and leveraging an expanded network of a community of practices across disciplines. The program will collaboratively identify evidence-based inclusion strategies that address challenges found in scientific societies. Foundation-funded program: partnering to advance imaging research for underrepresented minority scientists program - this program offers imaging workshops; research funds for novel, collaborative research projects using advanced imaging techniques; and professional development workshops.
Journal and other publications: The ascb owns and publishes The scientific journal molecular Biology of The Cell, The quarterly journal cbe - life sciences education, and The ascb newsletter, also published 4 times a year.
Annual meeting: The annual scientific meeting is held for five days in december and is attended by about 6,000 people. It includes scientific symposia summarizing recent advances in Cell Biology, and presentation of approximately 3,000 scientific research papers. The abstracts of scientific papers from The annual meeting are published annually by The Society. The meeting also features commercial exhibits of products and services for scientists working in The field of Biology that include scientific instruments, laboratory equipment, chemicals, and publications. The annual meeting features extensive education, career development, and public policy sessions of special interest to early career, transitional career, and underrepresented Cell biologists.
The san francisco declaration on research assessment: The ascb is The administrative entity of The san francisco declaration on research assessment (dora). Dora is an initiative to advance practical and robust approaches to research assessment globally and across all scholarly disciplines. To do this, dora raises awareness and facilitates implementation of responsible research assessment practices to improve equity and catalyze widespread change in hiring, promotion, and funding decisions.
Coalition for The life sciences: The ascb is a member of The coalition for The life sciences, (cls). The cls is an alliance of professional organizations working together to foster public policies that advance basic biological research and its applications in medicine and other fields. The issues addressed by The cls include science education, professional training, and The funding, management, and oversight of scientific work, especially by The federal government.
Public policy
Science, outreach and professional development: The American Society for Cell Biology department of professional development develops and manages multiple science, outreach, and professional development programs. The goal of The department is to ensure that members at all stages have access to initiatives that will successfully progress their careers.
The committees: The Society organizes committees to bring individuals together to discuss possible means to solve problems; implements programs to benefit The Cell Biology community and The public.the Society's active committees are as follows: education, finance & audit, international affairs, minority affairs, program, public information, council, executive, public policy, women in Cell Biology, nominating committee and committee for post-doctoral professions and students.