Program areas at ASIL
Annual meeting - the Asil annual meeting is one of the largest and most diverse gatherings of International lawyers, jurists, scholars, and diplomats in the world. The 117th annual meeting took place as an in-person meeting in march - april 2023. Organized under the theme, "pthe reach and limits of International Law to solve today's challenges". The meeting included scores of panels, keynote programs, and meetings, and drew over 2,000 attendees from across the globe to discuss the latest issues in the field. The 118th annual meeting took place as an in-person meeting in april 2024 on the theme of "International Law in an interdependent world".
Publications - in 2023, Asil's publications continued to be leaders in the field, reaching thousands of individual and institutional subscribers in more than 100 countries with information and analysis about International legal developments. The American journal ofinternational Law was published quarterly during the year International legal materials was published six times during the year and the annual meeting proceedings was also published. In addition, the Society produces books (including Asil studies in transnational legal policy, and Asil studies in International legal theory (published by cambridge university press), as well as discussion papers and issue briefs, known as "Asil insights." Its popular publication, "International Law: 100 ways it shapes our lives," is currently being updated to produce a second edition.
Membership and outreach - Asil fosters the study of International Law and promotes the establishment and maintenance of International relations on the basis of Law and justice through our membership and outreach programs. This includes meetings, publications, information services and outreach and educational programs for specific constituencies among professionals as well as for broader policymaking audiences and the public.
Research and grants - Asil conducts research, convenes public and nonpublic gatherings of experts in International Law and related fields, and provides tools and resources on International Law to judges, policy makers, the media, the diplomatic community, and the general public, including conferences, public programs, webcasts, and podcasts, curricular guides for high school teachers and students, and a free online research tool, the electronic information system for International Law (eisil).
Library to provide information about International Law to members and the general public.