Program areas at American Statistical Association
Meetings: the Association provides for various meetings and workshops that serve as a forum for the latest developments in Statistical theory and application. These meetings offer a concentrated opportunity for the exchange of ideas and discussion of research findings among colleagues.
Publications: the Association produces various publications and magazines. These publications represent the Association's commitment to the ongoing enhancement of Statistical education and the public's understanding of statistics.
Programs: various projects undertaken to further statistics among the public. This includes expenses for various awards presented, which increase the visibility of statistics and its methods with the general public, including science policy, various Statistical outreach programs, a public awareness campaign, and online job advertising for statistics positions.
Section expenses: represent the Association's organization in groups by professional subject matter. These sections facilitate professional interchanges and research opportunities in statistics.
Membership development: costs related to member service maintenance.
Education: the Association offers a wide range of continuing education opportunities, which represent a forum for emerging statistics research. These programs include workshops, lectures, and expenses related to the production and sale of educational materials. Additionally, the Association advocates and provides materials for statistics education at the k-12, community college undergraduate, and graduate levels, and provides leadership in the education community about statistics and data science.
Grants and awards: represent expenses related to providing advice and technical assistance, which enhance Statistical education through the support of federal, state, and local government agencies.