Program areas at Amicus
The Bouchea Center for Learning provided 71 adults with supports such as physical, occupational and communication therapy on a varied daily schedule and includes the use of community sites for activities and socialization. Support in all activities of daily living seeks to increase independence and satisfaction with everday experiences while enhancing social and emotional stabilities, security and confidence.
Community Life Pograms helped 53 people with disabilities to identify paths to living and working as independently and fully as possible.
Penobscot Valley Industries provided 44 participants with a wide range of innovative community-based and on-site options to find and develop talents, to know the community, to develop friendships and to increase independence.
Case Management Program helps people with disabilites to know their rights, form a support team, identify their strengths, discuss their needs and consider options for supports toward an independent and full life. 159 people were served.
Ralph Leek Elders Program supports the unique needs and interests of older adults with disabilities. The focus is on building and keeping community connections. 30 idividuals were served.
Amicus Housing and Personal Supports provide asistance with budgeting, meal planning, home maintenance, medical apointments and other skills for community living. 15 individuals were served.
Pathways to Employment supported 18 men and women with disabilities prepare for and find meaningful careers.