Program areas at Andersen Foundation
The Foundation aims to provide direct and indirect emergency hardship relief to the Andersen communities as a whole. Types of disasters or employee hardship situations include, but are not limited to, natural disasters, terrorism, fires, floods, violent crimes, physical abuse, death and illness in the family, and other personal hardships. For individual assistance, grants are available to those individuals (not limited to just the people of Andersen) that can properly demonstrate need, hardship, or distress. All individual recipients are selected based on objective criteria made by an independent selection committee consisting of geographically diverse group of nine individuals. The committee undertakes a due diligence review of each request for assistance to ensure individuals meet the needs-based test. Grants are issued to eligible individuals, including Andersen partners and employees, to provide needs-based financial support. Individuals seeking hardship relief will need to apply to the Foundation for funds and other assistance using a preestablished application. In 2022 the Foundation was able to provide grants to individuals and organizations impacted by the humanitarian crisis resulting from the russian invasion of ukraine. Additionally the Foundation granted assistance to four families who experienced hardship stemming from a medical emergency. This grant provided immediate relief to the financial stress of the family driven by this event.
To the extent the Foundation cannot directly assist in hardship relief, it makes grants to other organizations that are already directly assisting in the affected communities. This year the Foundation made grants to organizations supporting the community of ukraine and surrounding areas as a result of the humanitarian crisis driven by the russian invasian. Further, grants were made to organizations assisting with the aid response to natural disasters in puerto rico and Florida stemming from hurricanes ian and fiona. Additionally, the Foundation made grants in support of efforts to combat hunger and support greater education initiatives in line with the Foundation's mission.
The Foundation recognizes the importance of higher education in the development and refinement of an individual's current and future career responsibilities and skills. To this end, the Foundation provides scholarship aid to the people of Andersen and their family members. The purpose of the scholarship aid is to provide financial assistance, including use of educational grants, to eligible individuals seeking post-secondary education at accredited institutions. Individuals seeking scholarship aid applied for the program through a preestablish application which is disseminated through electronic, local office communication. Once completed, recipients are selected by the Foundation's selection committee based on objective standards. The committee is a geographically diverse group consisting of twelve people. The committee reviewes each scholarship application and administers scholarship aid to grantees based on financial need, academic merit, and scholastic achievement. The amount of scholarship aid awarded to each recipient varies based on the selection criteria, the number of eligible applicants and the amount of funds available. Individuals who are awarded scholarship aid either receive the funds directly or such funds are paid directly to the accredited institution for application towards the individual recipient's degree program. The Foundation awarded twenty-seven scholarships in 2022 ranging from $5,000 to $12,500.