Program areas at Anglicans for Life
The Silent No More Awareness Campaign continued to reach out to those hurt by abortion by raising awareness of the post-abortive physical and emotional pain and by offering connections to helpful programs. We trained 3 new Regional Coordinators (RC's); end of the year total of 63 RC's, representing a total of more than 3,300 counties in 50 states in the U.S., and 17 countries. 9 retired or went on sabbatical. RC's nationally and internationally conducted over 57 engagements in 2023. We held monthly conference calls with the RC's, to provide ongoing training and encouragement. There are 3,151 testimonies posted on the Campaign Website, with 673 that are shared via video! Currently there are 21,092 people registered with the Campaign representing 77 countries.
Conferences & Leader Services: Equipping people / churches for ministry happens through outreach at conferences to Churches & Life Leaders (LL). AFL has also continued to recruit and nurture LLs into 2 leadership levels (Life Leaders and Life Chapters), maintained e-communications with all LL's. We have a total of 103 LLs in 23 states and 3 countries. We have a monthly Zoom call for all LLs. AFL hosted a virtual/in Person 2023 Summit conference.
Educational Publications, Resources and Website; writing, designing, publishing, printing, and distributing educational resources that address abortion, adoption, abstinence, euthanasia and stem cell research is the hallmark of this ministry. Specifically in 2023, Anglicans for Life planned and organized two conferences to mobilize the Church for life, for approximately 366 lay and ordained members, as well as teenagers in the Anglican Church in North America. We continued to print and sell our 2 Adult-Ed curriculums; 360 Leader's Guides and over 1,136 Student Handbooks have been sold to date. AFL printed & distributed 3 Newsletters. Created and distributed quarterly Prayer Calendars to approximately 811 prayer team members via the US Mail and Electronically. AFL's website had 196,571 visitors. We distributed 22,201 educational pieces of life-affirming literature.