Program areas at ADLA
See schedule ocompanion animalsthe spay neuter hotline- provides spay/neuter services for pets and outdoor cats in arizona.adla's telephone and web based spay/neuter hotline referral service continued statewide operations in 2022. It made referrals to pet spay and neuter programs and clinics throughout Arizona. The spay neuter hotline's largest operations providing trap, neuter, return (" tnr") services continued to experience some impact from the covid-19 pandemic. There were some short-term clinic closures due to staff testing positive for covid-19. The spay neuter hotline fixed 10,367 outdoor cats in 2022. We participated in one in-person outreach event dog days of glendale in february. We did continue to coordinate remotely with municipalities and others to provide trap, neuter, return services in their communities and provided referrals for other trap, neuter, return programs around the state. The hotline also made referrals to pet owners who needed low cost spay/ neuter or free services and, in graham county, there were 100 free spay/ neuter surgeries provided to pet owners. Adla worked with a local veterinary clinic in graham county.through adla's membership in the alliance for companion animals, it joined other organizations and local funders to continue fix adopt save, a campaign addressing dog and cat homelessness in maricopa county. After seven years, euthanasia rates have decreased by 89%, saving more than 32,000 animals per year!this comes as a result of a continued focus on spay/neuter surgeries which have resulted in a 43% decrease in the intake of animals at alliance shelters- that's 38,000 fewer pets per year.wildlifeadla's wildlife program focuses on protecting habitat and key species in Arizona. Adla monitors the Arizona game and fish commission and department, focusing on protection of keystone species such as mexican gray wolves, mountain lions and prairie dogs and participated in wildlife coalitions to protect those and other species. Wolf recoveryadla was a participant incollaborative efforts working to better protect the mexican gray wolf. General education/outreach through its website, voicemail systems, virtual meetings and social media such as facebook and instagram, adla works to educate the public about issues affecting Arizona's animals.adla continued its involvement in the "voices for Arizona's animals!" Campaign, encouraging members of the Animal protection community to register to vote and to vote.legislativeadla volunteers monitored proposed legislation in Arizona so that it could comment on any pending measures affecting animals, support those that would benefit animals and oppose those that would be detrimental to animals. It also coordinated communications among a number of Animal protection organizations and individual advocates who have an interest in legislation. It coordinated grassroots volunteers, and the work of peer organizations, acting as a resource for Animal advocates and legislators on a variety of Animal issues. It also provided support to rural shelters throughout Arizona to help them with their legislative agendas, and to get their input on pending proposals.