Program areas at Animal Outlook
Investigations: the organization's investigators go undercover inside Animal agriculture facilities to document the conditions inside these facilities. This regularly includes severe Animal cruelty, some of which are considered standard practices within Animal agribusiness. As a result of its investigations, the organization has garnered favorable attention in major media outlets as well as local newspapers, television news programs, and others. The organization has completed more than 30 investigations inside the meat, egg, and dairy industries.
Legal advocacy: the organization's legal advocacy program was created to proactively challenge the systemic harms of Animal agribusiness through litigation, criminal enforcement, and other legal advocacy. The program has repeatedly secured criminal enforcement and civil accountability for the mistreatment of animals, documented in the organization's undercover investigations, including the first-ever conviction for a standard industry practice. The program also conducts strategic litigation, such as uncovering and developing the initial case theory for what ultimately became a class action against most of the dairy industry for price-fixing through a cow-killing scheme, resulting in a $52m award to consumers in 2016, and in 2019, a settlement and consent decree in a federal false claims act litigation alleging mistreatment of animals at a lamb slaughterhouse.
Vegan outreach: the organization promotes vegan eating among the mainstream american public through advocacy videos online, in-person events, and other national and local campaigns.
Corporate engagement