Program areas at Animal Protection Voters
Education and advocacy campaigns to promote kindness to animals, including: developed and offered a training in effective Animal cruelty prosecution for new mexico prosecutors, judges, and other legal professionals; sponsored "elevate your impact: building a strong Animal cruelty prosecution in newmexico," a full-day training to educate new mexico prosecutors, judges, and other legal professionals on Animal laws in new mexico and successful strategies for implementing those laws through their various lines of work.
Advocating for elected officials and candidates who promote animal-friendly legislation.
Campaigns to ensure passage of stronger laws for animals and appropriation of funding for Animal Protection services, including: passage of a state law to make Animal sexual abuse a serious crime; passage of a state law requiring all abused and abandoned horses, donkeys & mules in government custody to first be saved by equine rescuers before having their lives put at risk by being sent to auction and possibly sold for slaughter; secured 150,000 in state funding for domestic violence support services for companion animals of survivors; secured 250,000 in state funding for equine rescues; prevented passage of legislation harmful to animals.
Developed a research project to include a poll and focus groups to help determine new mexicans attitudes toward Animal cruelty, enforcement of Animal cruelty laws, and punishments for violating Animal cruelty laws; and to determine what prevents robust enforcement of Animal cruelty laws in nm.