Program areas at Animal Recovery Mission
Arm, an investigative Animal defense organization collaborates with various local, state, national and international agencies in order to eradicate illegal and barbaric treatment of animals to advance Animal welfare. Since its incorporation in 2010, arm's Animal cruelty investigations have led to: the successful execution of over 525 state, national, and international Animal cruelty investigations. These resulted in the closure of 157 illegal Animal slaughter, sacrifice, and fighting operations. 595 convictions of notorious Animal killers, positive changes with 2 state laws and 5 county ordinances. The rehabilitation and lifetime quality care to over 300 animals that were transported to arm sanctuary in Florida. These victims were seized from Animal cruelty operations conducted and raided by arm. 2019 highlight accomplishments: 1. As a part of its factory farm division, arm conducted a major four-part series of dairy farm investigations headlined by operation fair oaks farm (f.o.f). The three other investigations were; operation fair-life, operation natural prairie dairy, and operation strauss veal feeds. This investigation was considered to be the largest, and most impactful dairy investigation ever to be conducted in the united states by an Animal welfare organization. This investigation was instrumental in exposing the truths of the systematic abuse and inherent cruelty associated within the dairy industry. With local, national, and international media taking the dairy investigations viral around the world, arrests, industry changes, civil action lawsuits, and protests quickly followed. 2. Operation strauss veal was instrumental in connecting the veal and dairy industries, and highlighted the exploitation and cruelty associated with newborn calves. The investigation's release led to worldwide media and public outcry demanding advancements in Animal welfare standards for calves and dairy cows. 3.operation black cloud. Arm operatives collected incriminating video footage, including the dragging, handling, trading, stabbing, tormenting, hoisting, and butchering of farm animals. The slaughtering of animals was on all occasions in gross violation of the humane slaughter act. 4. Arm continued to conduct its frontline investigations in the state of Florida that address; black market horse slaughter, Animal sacrifice, Animal fighting, and illegal Animal slaughter operations.