Program areas at ADL
Policy and programs - see schedule opolicy and programsencompasses the work of civil rights; government relations, advocacy, and community engagement; the center on technology and society; law enforcement and community security; and the center on extremism. The civil rights team, formulates and implements the League's civil rights agenda in a range of areas including antisemitism and all forms of bigotry, discrimination and bias motivated violence; religious freedom and church-state separation; and immigration and refugee rights, preparing reports and memoranda, filing amicus briefs, and engaging in other forms of public advocacy. The government relations, advocacy, and community engagement (grace) team promotes the League's mission in Washington, d.c. and around the country with a focus on legislative advocacy, outreach to government officials, and coalition building. The center for technology and society, works to develop new strategies in the fight against hate online, analyzing and preparing reports on hate speech and cyber-harassment, providing insights to government and policymakers, and exposing and countering specific cases of abuse and offensive content on the internet. The center on extremism monitors and exposes extremist movements and individuals across the ideological spectrum and provides actionable intelligence and databased analysis to law enforcement, public officials, community leaders and technology companies. The law enforcement and community security team conducts training for law enforcement agencies on hate crimes, extremism and implicit bias, as well as programs on community security.
Education - furthers the Adl's mission through the design and delivery of intergroup, holocaust, anti-bias, and other educational programs and materials for use in p-12 classrooms, on college campuses, and with community groups, corporations, civic associations, religious organizations, youth movements, and other nontraditional learning contexts.
Regional operations - supervises and coordinates the Adl's coast-to-coast network of regional offices. Establishes and monitors operating plans for each region, with a particular focus on priority programs and activities, including antibias training for educators, students and law enforcement professionals; civil rights advocacy; monitoring and exposing of extremist activity; victim assistance; promotion of intergroup collaboration and understanding; and response to hate crimes and bias incidents. Creates measures and metrics to evaluate regional reach and impact.
International affairs - maintains contacts throughout europe, latin america, the middle east, and the u.s. from which information is gathered relating to political and social movements that impact antisemitism and bigotry. Observes and analyzes trends around the world related to anti-semitism and related issues. Prepares and disseminates reports and data regarding israel's security, u.s.-israel relations and antisemitism in the middle east. Initiates educational programs on the middle east and israeli issues, as well as on international best practices on fighting antisemitism and bigotry. Maintains contact with faith leaders in the u.s. and other countries. Develops programs of cooperation on intergroup understanding and human relations with catholic and protestant religious groups at community, regional, and national levels. Participates in educational and action programs in interfaith efforts. Organizes training programs and curriculum development for seminars and religious oriented educational institutions. Public awareness - manages awareness through published materials, national and regional websites, social media marketing, email marketing, direct mail campaigns, online video and public relations campaigns, communications, and managing relationships with the media. Keeps constituents informed of breaking news and issues involved with Adl's work. Prepares visual and print materials on Adl issues, goals and objectives; writes, edits and produces materials (reports, brochures, invitations newsletters, publications); and handles special projects such as exhibits and events.