Program areas at Apache Stronghold
Apache Stronghold, san carlos, az, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community organization of individuals who come together in unity to battle continued colonization, defend holy sites and freedom of religion, and are dedicated to building a better community through neighborhood programs and civic engagement. We work from san carlos, az connecting apaches and other native and non-native allies from all over the world. Chi'chil bildagoteel also knowns as oak flat is a sacred site for our Apache people and many other native americans. This is a place that has special significance a place where we pray, collect water and medicinal plants for ceremonies, gather acorns and other foods, and honor those that are buried here. We have never lost out relationship to chichil bildagoteel, though the u.s. government, at times in our history, has imprisoned us on our reservations and not allowed us to come here. We have established and encampment to protect the holy ground at chichil bildagoteel with its four crosses, representing the entire surrounding sacred area, including its water, animals, oak treets, and other plants central to our tribal identity. The four crosses are now part of the body of chichil bildagoteel.
Spiritual Convoy to 9th Circuit Court- En Banc Hearing March 19-21, 2023 Pasadena, CA 9th Circuit Court reconsiders their decision about the land transfer of Oak Flat, an Indigenous sacred site of prayer and ceremony, from the federal government to Resolution Copper in an En-Ban hearing with 11 of the 9th Circuit judges. Regarding Oak Flat and court case regarding Resolution Copper, gained support. Apache Stronghold testified at the hearing. Journey went from San Carlos to Oak Flat and to all support groups in AZ and California en route to the Court Case hearing.
Eagle Meeting Lummi Nation and Thacker Pass Meeting, WA and NV. May 2023 Apache Stronghold struggle to save Oak Flat. Apache Stronghold group was honored by Lummi Nation at their Eagle Meeting in Washington state. Journey went through Nevada and the Thacker Pass area fighting to save sacred site Peehee Muhuh, Paiute saced site, from Lithium mining, currently in federal courts in Nevada to stop the mine. Journey included stops at Tribal Support groups on way and on return from Lummi, AZ to NV to Oregon to WA and return through Oregon and thru to California Tribes, gaining support for amicus briefs for court case.