Program areas at Apple Valley Hockey Association
Every Association can promise early mornings at the rink, a smelly Hockey bag and lots of fun for parents and kids. The Apple Valley Hockey Association does all of that and so much more: -a well-funded and finacially secure, successful organization, we offer some of the lowest total cost of Hockey programs in the south metro. -great coaching on ice with parent and paid coaches and a dedicated dryland facility for total player development. -our youth Association is fully integrated into the high school program with our high school coaching staff involved in player development. -"pro hybrid" trainers used for goalie evaluation and development. -gear packages for kids starting out at a great, affordable price. -programs with advanced skating techniques at the higher levels using nationally recognized professional skating instructors. -each year teams can participate in local community projects including parks beautification, house and yard work for those unable to do it for themselves, and several "feed my starving children" events. -the avha is a significant benefactor to the local "guns and horses"/thin blue line charity event which benefits children of fallen police officers and firefighters.
Gambling: the forms of gambling conducted by the Association during the year ended march 31, 2023, included paper pull-tabs, non-linked bingo, electronic pull-tabs, linked bingo, sports-themed tipboards, and tipboards. Revenue in excess of allowable expenses generated by the lawful gambling fund were used for lawful purposes and board approved expenditures as defined by Minnesota statute. Gross receipts for the year ended march 31, 2023, were 19,964,260. Total gaming expenses for the year ended march 31, 2023, were 19,381,676.
Provide equipment and ice rink for participants to utilize.