Program areas at Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Mi
463 individuals were served via the michoice waiver program that coordinates a plan that supports adults 18 years and older who are eligible to have medicaid pay for long term care in a community setting. $ 10,723,359 was expended on direct services.
Contracted services: aaanm contracts federal older americans act and state older michiganians act funding to organizations that service the 10 county region. Contracted services include: adult day health, kinship caregiver supplemental services, congregate meals, home delivered meals and legal assistance. $1.8 million was distributed to all 10 counties to provide the contracted services noted above.
Through the care management program, aaanm guides adults 60 years and older who have long term care needs to Resources that help support care in the community. Services purchased on behalf of these individuals include adult day health, community living supports, home delivered meals, homemaking, personal care, private duty nursing, respite care and transportion. Serviced 283 participants through its care management and case coordination & support programs. Aaanm distributed $1,081,293, in in-home service dollars through the care management program.
Michigan medicare assistance program (mmap) is a free non-bias counseling service for medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers. Aaanm coordinates a regional mmap that consists of 12 volunteers and 22 paid in-kind certified counselors that saved older adults $2,991,179 in out-of-pocket healthcare costs.