Program areas at Arkansas Farm Bureau Foundation
Medical applications of science for health (m*a*s*h) programs have exposed more than 9,000 Arkansas high school students to health career fields since 1988, when it was first piloted by uams in pine bluff. Every summer, over 500 11th and 12th grade students participate in one of these two-week camps, which are offered in 30+ communities across Arkansas. Community health applied in medical public service (champs) is a 3-5 day option geared for younger students (8th - 10th grade) in smaller, more rural communities.
Future farmers of america - the Arkansas department of career education provides funds to the Foundation for the personnel and administrative support and operation of the future farmers of america (ffa) student leadership activities. The nature of this partnership is to support and foster collaborative efforts that promote the ffa career and technical student organization.
Other program expenses - to provide charitable and educational assistance to further the understanding of agricultural and rural issues, and to support the agricultural and rural community through financial support for education, research, and litigation.
Disaster relief - the Foundation contributes to organizations that support agriculture and rural communities affected by natural disasters.
Since 1947, the Arkansas Farm family of the year program has served as a vehicle to recognize outstanding Farm families throughout the state. The objectives of the Farm family of the year program are:- to give recognition and encouragement to Farm families who are doing an outstanding job on their Farm and in their community.- to gain recognition of the importance of agriculture in the community and state.- to disseminate information on improved Farm practices and management.
Ag in the classroom is a nationally affiliated program to increase agricultural literacy among school children, teachers, and administrators. Ag in the classroom programs bridge the gap between Farm and city by teaching children about farming and food production. The Arkansas Farm Bureau serves as the coordinating agency for ag in the classroom in arkansas.classroom materials: several different classroom materials are available for teachers to use in the classroom. The "ag reader" series features commodity specific information and activities on the major crops produced in Arkansas, and they are correlated to the state standards. Other classroom materials are available; including coloring books, an agriculture production map, books and bookmarks.educational displays: the ag in the classroom program has mobile educational displays available for school programs across the state. Arkansas Farm Bureau staff members conduct educational programs using the displays and the interactive features to teach students about agriculture in Arkansas. Presentations can be made for classrooms, an entire grade or the whole school.the ag in the classroom program also offers garden grants for schools, hands on activities and awards for teachers. For more information, please visit our website at and select "education".