Program areas at Arkansas State University System Foundation
Asu support:the primary purpose of the Arkansas State University System Foundation, Inc. (the Foundation) is to receive, solicit, accept and hold, administer, invest and disburse any and every kind of property for such education, scientific, literary, research and service activities from individuals and organizations, including foundations, government agencies, and private businesses, to support the corporation's activities, and it shall manage endowments given to the corporation for the benefit of all the Arkansas State University System campuses operations, sites and facilities.
Administrative support:the Arkansas State University System Foundation, Inc. Provides financial assistance to all member campuses of the Arkansas State univeristy System in support of administrative functions like academic affairs, student affairs, residence life, recruiting, counseling, facilities management, advancement, alumni relations, information technology, career management, disability services ad diversity initiatives by supplementing University budgets for supplies and services, travel, equipment, technology, human resources and all other costs related to the University's academic mission.
Asu academic support:the Arkansas State University System Foundation, Inc. Provides financial assistance to all member campuses of the Arkansas State univeristy System and related entities in support of teaching, research, distance learning, library media services, economic development and outreach programs by supplementing University budgets for supplies and services, travel, equipment, technology, human resources and all other costs related to the University's academic mission.
Asu student support:the Arkansas State University System Foundation, Inc. Provides financial assistance to all member campuses of the Arkansas State univeristy System through academic scholarships, awards, stipends, grants and general support for various student activities. The majority of financial assistance to students is made by way of transfers to Arkansas State University.