Program areas at Arlene and Joseph Meraux Charitable Foundation
Part ix-a, line 1docville farm and art project Charitable activities:to advance its mission, the Meraux Foundation dedicated a large portion of the historic docville property as a cultural and educational center. In addition to hosting tens of thousands of people at scores of community events, meetings, and workshops throughout the year, docville farm also serves as a base of operations for the Meraux Foundation's Charitable programs and initiatives.the st. claude art park and the artify artist center program were implemented by the Foundation to enhance the arts in st. bernard parish and dedicated to the development, support, and enhancement of the arts. The program's goal is to magnify the production, viewing, and educational aspects of creative arts in the area and to enhance creative endeavors by providing a place for artists to gather and show their works to hold public art demonstrations and concerts with educational, literary, and artistic use; and to beautify the parish.
Part ix-a, line 2community contribution:the Meraux Foundation donated $2,416,786 to various 501(c)3 organizations to advance its mission of improving the quality of life in st. bernard parish.
Part ix-a, line 3scholarship program: each year, the Meraux Foundation awards around 60 scholarships to st. bernard parish public high school graduates. Selected by an independent committee of educators, 50 students receive scholarships for academic achievement, four for artistic accomplishment, and six for career technical education. To date, the Foundation has awarded some 840 scholarships.