Program areas at Armenian Evangelical Union of North America
The Camp AREV mountain conference center is used for youth, adult, and church retreats. Overnight weekend and week-long programs provide opportunities to enrich campers lives through fellowship, Biblical instruction, appreciation of nature, recreational experiences, growth in Christian faith and stewardship, and awareness of opportunities to serve others.Approximately 54 volunteers assisted in programs throughout the year.In FY22-23, Camp AREV held four (4) youth winter camp weekends: 3rd-5th grade camp 118 attendees, Junior High 120, High School 100, Young Adult 70. Camp AREV held four (3) summer camps in July and August, with three (3) weeklong camps and one (1) Young Adult weekend: 3rd-5th grade 93 attendees, Junior High 120, High School 113, YA weekend 56. Camp AREV also hosted a one-day Mens Retreat in October 2021 (60 attendees) and a weekend Womens Retreat in May 2023 (92 attendees), advertised to the AEUNA churches but open to all.When not hosting its programs, it is Camp AREVs mission to provide facilities for Christian and other nonprofit organizations of similar purpose, enabling these groups to fulfill their missions and enhance the lives of their participants. This is accomplished through a rental program that provides lodging+meals, meeting space and recreational activities. In FY22-23, the camp hosted 37 rental groups mainly church leadership and Christian / church youth retreats.
The Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA) is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to uniting member churches, pastors, and organizations within the ecclesiastical fellowship for ministry, missions, and service in the name of Jesus Christ in the United States, Canada, and South America. In addition to the staff, the AEUNA operates with assistance of 4 to 6 volunteers. The AEUNA provides financial assistance, counsel, to member churches, pastors, disabled pastors and eligible seminary students. New pastoral candidates are ordained and installed. A monthly meeting is hosted for the Southern California pastors for prayer and fellowship. The AEUNA reaches out to the community through weekly TV Evangelism program, coordinating Youth Fellowship programs, publishing a semiannually AEUNA News Magazine and curriculum, children books and CDs for the Sunday school programs.