Program areas at Arrive Ministries
Refugee services: the organization resettled 400 refugees from 17 different countries with the most refugees arriving from afghanistan, somalia, ukraine, syria, and the democratic republic of congo. In november 2023, the intensive case management program was launched, and we have enrolled 17 clients to receive extended care for up to two years.our program accomplishments this past year included adding a new intensive case management program to provide additional support for newly arriving refugees with compounded complexities, such as high medical needs. We have expanded our employment services through increased enrollments with our matching grant program providing employment services and extended case management to achieve self-sufficiency in 8 months to eligible clients.
Other services: the organization also provided low-cost or free immigration legal services to 132 clients adding legal services with special support services for clients displaced by the afghan evacuation in 2021. Through employment services, 84 clients have been served in this fiscal year helping them find jobs and learn how to conduct employment searches and receive job readiness skills. Eight clients have secured job upgrades to advance their careers. Through our education programs, 77 students have been served through language learning classes and 83 students enrolled in technology empowerment courses.
Community outreach: through our church volunteer-based good neighbor teams, community events, and volunteer teachers and tutors we connected 117 refugees to a church team in the twin cities, 178 connections in st. Cloud, 256 in willmar, and 44 in rochester. Arrive Ministries supported 583 volunteers in building connections with refugees in Minnesota. These teams and individuals provide friendship, mentoring, and practical assistance to these families as they adjust to life in the u.s., get better jobs, and move beyond loss and dislocation.we continue to provide extended services job readiness classes for program participants and adding financial literacy classes to our current language learning and technology empowerment classes through our education programs. Additionally, we continue to experience ongoing support for arriving refugees through community volunteerism and in-kind support.