Program areas at ARTogether
Community Art Programs: ARTogether offers community art workshops and events, providing welcoming, creative spaces for refugees, immigrants, artists, and allies to meet, create, and build lasting connections with others in the community. Community art events include workshops in crafts, watercoloring, quilt-making, after-school art classes, youth art camps, and other artist-led activities.
Fiscal Sponsorships: ARTogether works with arts and other nonprofit organizations and groups to provide fiscal sponsorships and other auxiliary support for programs and projects that fall within ARTogether's mission and values.
Artist Support Programs: ARTogether offers professional and financial support to refugee and immigrant artists, helping them to establish reputations in the Bay Area and to connect with their artistic community. Wraparound and other support for artists includes professional development, grant-writing support, artist mentorship, financial assistance, grants for art projects, and partnerships on public art projects to help artists develop, fund, and exhibit their art.