Program areas at Asa Now
Support programs - food boxes for foster families. Boxes are offered assistance provides families with presents and gift cards, provide food boxes and clothing both new and gently used for foster families and grandparents(kinship).giving closet - provides new outfit, pajamas, blanket for foster placements.also provides assistance through jmcc for life skills and after school programs for youth growth and educational value of hours donated to the organization for workers in 2022 $132,708
Training - licensed foster parents are required to complete at least 12 hours of continuing education classes each calendar year. Training classes offered at our community center will not only help satisfy these requirements but also provide all kinship, foster and adoptive parents with opportunities to further their education on a variety of topics. We are currently offering training classes on the utilization of jacobs law at many locations throughout Arizona. Proceeds from these trainings go directly towards funding our non-profit endeavors including the community center.jl and education
Facilities used by all mission programs and volunteer time for all programs
Events- support group - peer to peer support groups allow foster and adoptive parents to provide knowledge, experience, emotional, social and practical support to one another. Family events - monthly family events including pot locks, christmas and birthday parties as a means to provide wholesome family recreation, and allow parents and children to connect with others who understand their situations and experiences furthering their sense of community.teen life skills classes to support kids before they age out of foster care providing lessons on cooking, job search, budgeting and other life
Respite care includes couples retreats, trauma mommas retreat, parents night out. For foster parents-caring for these children on a daily basis can be very stressful and difficult for foster and adoptive parents. This ultimately takes a toll on the family as a whole. Our community center will provide a much needed break for these exhausted foster and adoptive parents while still meeting the special needs of the children. This intervention will provide parents with an opportunity to recharge, prevent burn-out, stabilize the whole family, and ultimately result in fewer foster and adoptive disruptions.
Shade tree academy - support for a school which educates foster children left behind. Provides a safe, supportive learning environment geared toward getting them up to grade level with the possiblity to intergration back into public school.