Program areas at Asian Community and Cultural Center
Family Resources - To support and empower Asian people while sharing our cultures with the entire community through our programs and services. To assist the community in living together in harmony, to facilitate and sponsor programs and services to benefit Asians and the community to achieve these goals.
Age Based Programs To support high school and middle school youth with programs, Life After High School, Digital Storytelling, Yezidi Youth Club and Sudanese Youth Club. To provide programs for all seniors to cover topics such as citizenship, health, conversational English, and socializing.
Health Education and Advocacy - To find ways to reduce barriers to health care, recruit medically at-risk clientele, promote health education, chronic disease prevention and screening tests. To provide appropriate interpretation services, program materials, assist clientele in scheduling and keeping medical and dental appointments and follow-up services.
Domestic Violence - To provide opportunity for recipients to develop and strengthen effective responses to violence against women. To serve victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking in a manner that affirms the victims culture and effectively address language and communication barriers.
Cultural Programs To promote understanding of the various cultures from refugees from all over the world. To present cultures in positive light for those living in the community,