Program areas at Asian Performing Arts of Colorado
IS2018! is the ISing! International Young Artists Festival, held in Suzhou, China during the month of August. The show is called "The Story of ISing!". The show is presented as a musical, with singing and dancing and an elaborate stage inculding LED stage sets. This production is the largest event APAC performs, beginning in 2011. APAC auditions singers from the United States, China and other countries. Five performances were held in 2018. Three were held in Suzhou, China, one in Shanghai, China and one in Beijing, China. A total of 6,000 people attended all the performances, which is a record high from previous years.
ISing! San Francisco is a concert held on June 30,2018. 800 people attended the show. This show was written up in several newspapers throughout the San Francisco bay area.
CCTV CNY gala was a Chinese New Year gala show on CCTV. CCTV is the largest and most viewed TV station in China. This show is the most watched show by all Chinese around the world.
ISing! Detroit is a concert Hao Tian, along with ISinger Holly Flack performed at the Detroit Country Day School. This was held in Michigan on July 7, 2018. 2,000 people attended the show. We had local performers that sang in the chorus, local soloist singers and pianists.
ISing! Tianjin was the opening gala concert of the International Youth Festival held during the month of August in Tianjin, China. The ISing! singers from Suzhou, China performed in the concert.
Rabe2019 is in the intial planning of a big project for ISING! in 2019. In 2018, Hao Tian and our team of faculty members were consultants to the creation and production of "Opera RABE2019". This opera will debut in 2019, in Europe.
JiangsuTV and ISingNanjing were two concerts performed in Nanjing, China. The first one was a TV show on Jiangsu Weisi TV station. ISING! was invited to participate in these two concerts, reaching out to audience an audience of over 2,000 people. Our ISING singers performed folk, classical and Broadway songs.
Suzhou Feb. 4, 2018 was a concert performed in Suzhou, China at the Performing Arts Center in February. Four singers from the ISing cast performed.
ISing! 2019 - ISing 2019! has started its planning for their huge debut in 2019.
Asian Performing Arts of Colorado, assisted Ms. XiaoTong Cao for partial tution payment to the Manahttan School of Music to aid her in completing her Master's Degree in Music.
Ising! Festival (is2023) is a festival produced by apac, along with co-producers. Apac worked alongside with young artists program of the houston grand opera, metropolitan opera, san francisco opera, city of suzou, jiangsu provine, suzhou industrial park and suzhou culture and art center. Most of the expenses incurred at the end of 2023.
Tang concert was performed in january 2023 with the philadelphia orchestra and the ising! Singers, in new york and philadelphia. Over 400 people attended, included 200 united nation ambassadors.
Ischengdu was the opera gala concert, held in chendgu in the sichuan province. The opera was held outside and was part of the annual international fashion forum.
Jianzhen was an opera performed in new york, where asia Performing Arts of Colorado, Inc., was in charge of public relations and marketing as well as ticket sales.