Program areas at Assembly for the Arts
List of accomplishments fiscal year 2022-2023 (july 1, 2022 - june 30, 2023) Assembly for the Arts (Assembly) works to ensure that everyone who lives and works in greater cleveland benefits from a diverse and equitable Arts and cultural sector, and recognizes that the Arts are an essential, defining element in the quality of life, social fabric, and economic vitality of the region. Assembly supports this aim by serving cultural nonprofits, artists, and creative businesses through advocacy for inclusive cultural policy, racial equity initiatives, research, and marketing that elevates Arts and culture in the region. During the 2022-23 fiscal year, Assembly accomplished the following: Arts and culture sector support - Assembly provided a leadership residency to a cohort of 25 artists and administrators over the course of 6 months including education, tools, and a stipend for continuing their work as community Arts leaders. Assembly launched a creative impact fund grant program for artists' projects in red-lined communities. Assembly provided fiscal sponsorship for several mission-driven Arts and cultural projects including, for example, a dance organization to preserve positive hip-hop culture, a photography-based organization empowering underserved youth, and a touring theater production about the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on our lives. Education and convening - Assembly hosted convenings of artists and community members to discuss pressing issues such as accessibility for people with disabilities, acquiring and maintaining arts-based space, support for artists, industry data, and other sector-wide information. the organization hosts free educational content on its website including business planning for artists, research about greater cleveland Arts and culture, a directory of support organizations, loans, and other resources to support creative industries. Arts and culture policy - Assembly facilitated multiple community dialogues, forums, and individual meetings to help leaders and public officials make informed decisions about how Arts and culture are represented in community conversations. Economic impact research - Assembly partnered with americans for the Arts and other cities across the country in Arts and economic prosperity 6. Assembly distributed surveys to over 1000 participants of nonprofit, Arts, and culture activities throughout cuyahoga county. Technical assistance consultancies - staff offered free individualized counsel to artists, cultural nonprofits, and creative businesses and those wishing to engage with them. Sessions primarily provided strategic advice on pertinent community resources that could support their Arts and cultural endeavors. Racial equity initiatives - Assembly was founded with the understanding that communities of color have disproportionately lower access to Arts and cultural activities and economic opportunities than predominantly white communities. Assembly continued engagement with a consultant to support community partnerships, programming, and policies that are equitable and transparent.