Program areas at Assistance League of Mid-Missouri
Links to learning program provides cash awards to local public school teachers to pay for educational materials and or enrichment activities for the classroom. These awards fund items such as books, technology, field trips, music, art and scientific equipment. This year 191 awards were given out for outdoor classrooms and the science department, impacting thousands of students in the amount of 140,910. This activity involved 502 service hours. Since the program began in 1992 over 1.8 million has been awarded in special support to help children learn.
Scholarship: awards annual scholarships that may serve local schools, colleges and universities, vocational training centers, adult care centers and city programs for youth. Recipients are selected by the individual organizations using specified established criteria. This year, 82 students were selected, awards totaled 68,500. Total service hours dedicated to this program for the year was 132. Since the program began in 2005, 513 students have received scholarships.
Operation school bell provides new items or funding in the categories of clothing, hunger, literacy, supplies and health for needy pre-school and elementary public school students. This year 1,384 students from 20 area schools were outfitted with new shirts, slacks, sweaters, winter coats, socks, underwear and hygiene kits in the amount of 130,143. This program strives to increase self esteem and encourage regular school attendance and performance. This activity involved 3,806 service hours. Since the program began, 2,696,683 has been spent on new clothing to give to students.
Assault survivor kits- chapter purchases hygiene items and distributes them along with new clothes at emergency rooms to victims of violence and sexual assault. Project began in 1994 and since then, we have distributed over 1,700 kits to local hospitals. Bundles for babies- chapter provides clothing, blankets and diapers to newborns in need when they leave the hospital. 384 were distributed this year at a cost of 25,348; over the course of more than 10 years since the program began, a total of 5,861 bundles have been distributed. Kaboodle kits- chapter members distribute health and hygiene products to children, families, senior citizens and veterans in need. This year we packaged 7,500 kits,at a cost of 47,155. Over the past 30 years, we have purchased, packed and distributed 65,534 hygiene kits. Operation share- since 2009, the chapter shares our resources with other Mid-Missouri agencies. If an item is donated to us that is not suitable for our needs, we work to find another local agency that can use the resource. Parent packs and beyond- since 1997, the chapter has provided daniel boone regional library with books on pregnancy, fetal development, childbirth and baby names, an exercise video, and prenatal brochure. These packs are available to expectant mothers for check out through the library. It has been expanded to include the 1000 books before kindergarten program. During the current fiscal year, 2,222 packs were borrowed through the library. Women in transition- the chapter supports the needs of women and their children, who are survivors of domestic or sexual assault, as they transition from a violent situation to a safe and stable life and home environment. There was a total of 43 recipients during this fiscal year. Outreach-the chapter distributes one-time grants to various community organizations that have specific needs not addressed through existing programs. A total of 84 recipients received help from these grants during the current fiscal year.