Program areas at Assistance League of Riverside California
Operation School Bell has been providing new school clothes to homeless and economically disadvantaged school children since 1967, serving more than 53,000 children since its inception. In 2023-2024, approximately 2,318 children from Transitional Kindergarten through 12th grade, and some college students, received essential clothing to help them be successful at school. With the start-up of the Corona-Norco Branch June 1, 2022 this program was expanded to the Corona-Norco area.
Career and College Bound encourages students to seek education beyond the secondary level. Since 1975, this program has awarded $225,600 in college visitation scholarships for local high school students, and $289,000 in college and vocational school scholarships for first-year expenses, including 27 scholarships at $2,000 each during the 2023-2024 year. In previous years, the program distributed SAT study guides worth more than $189,000.
Snack Attack delivers bags of nutritious food items to local schools during the school year to be given to children who are homeless or from low-income families to alleviate their hunger over the weekend. The program also delivers food bags to children at a low-income pre-school on a year-round basis. Since its inception in 2007, this program has distributed over 366,000 snack bags to elementary schools in Riverside County, California School for the Deaf, a local child development center, and other agencies serving youths in need, which included 33,306 bags for 915 922 students per week delivered to 13 schools during the 2023-2024 fiscal year.