Program areas at Associated Students California State University Northridge
Student services - funds multiple programs that provide support services to approximately 38,000 Students. Services include: ticket office, child day care facility, aids awareness, helpline, interpreting services, student development and international programs.
Cultural affairs - provide student groups with the means to hold and attend meetings, seminars, conferences, and lectures, and provide cultural outreach and enrichment for the student body. Approximately 38,000 Students were funded.
Recreational sports - provide a framework and guidance for student participation in fitness, outdoor adventures, and sports clubs. Over 2,000 Students participated.
Communications - provide campus-wide promotion of student-related events funded by Associated Students to increase awareness and participation.
Academic programs - provide individual Students with assistance to help support their efforts in performing or presenting research connected with their educational experience. Up to five hundred Students can be assisted each year, from all eight colleges.
Allocations to California State University, Northridge financial aid departments for student scholarships.
Student government