Program areas at Association for Computing Machinery
Conferences and seminarsconferences enable the Association to bring together members, community leaders and scholars to discuss current and upcoming issues in the Computing field, the latest technology and groundbreaking research. These conferences, for the most part, are associated with the 38 special interest groups and are driven by the volunteers in that particular field of special interest in Computing. Acm sponsors or co-sponsors over 170 of these events each year varying in size and scope from 20 to 25,000 attendees.
See schedule omembership and other program support the Association's membership today consists of approximately 80,000 individuals and 50 institutions, all with a significant interest in the creation and application of information technology. The Association offers all its members access to information on the latest developments in cutting-edge technology, the transfer of ideas from theory to practice, and opportunities for information exchange.these activities represent acm's activities outside of the publications, conferences and awards. As with conferences and publications these programs are available to acm members and the general public. They include such things as the distinguished lecturer program, guide to Computing literature, educational and education policy activities, curriculum studies and recommendations, computer science teaching discipline support, support for accreditation, diversity and chapter activities. Support for acm's professional and student members also includes email forwarding, professional development books and courses, career news, and other electronic publications on Computing technology and technological interests and news.
Publicationsacm publications are designed to educate the public, our membership and the Computing community about the news and issues in the Computing field. The Association publishes scholarly journals and conference proceedings that contain the latest research in the field. Currently the Association publishes 70 journals, 7 magazines, over 400 conference proceedings and numerous electronic publications. Acm's digital library contains the digital version of all of its publications and is serving over 2,400 university, college and corporate libraries around the world as well as over 35,000 acm members.
Acm awards programacm is the worlds largest educational and scientific Computing society. Acm's overarching goal is to advance Computing as a science and a profession. A very important part of this goal is to recognize outstanding technical and professional achievements in Computing and computer science through our series of awards. Acm's awards celebrate our long tradition of honoring those whose contributions have impacted our world for the better in countless ways. These prestigious and internationally recognized honors are an integral part of acm's mission to unite Computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and addresses the field's challenges.