Program areas at Association for Education Finance and Policy
More than 600 conference participants conduct research in p-20 Education Finance and Policy, presented at the annual conference. These researchers may be policymakers at the local, state, and federal agencies, in teacher associations, at universities, think tanks, and non profits working as educators, economists, political scientists, public administrators and higher Education faculty in those fields. Topic areas are educator labor markets and effectiveness, school effectiveness, and school Finance. The relatively small size of the conference allows for and actively encourages meaningful and collegial engagement for all its attendees, regardless of career paths, seniority, etc. The conference is aefr's primary mode of engagement, including a plenary to provide another opportunity for members to interact and visit outside of paper sessions.
Aefp provides travel grants, outstanding dissertation awards and research grants to graduate students and early career scholars.
Aefp publishes through mit press a quarterly journal, Education Finance & Policy, for its members and to university libraries, founded in 2005-2006. Aefp has had a long standing external support grant to aid expenses as the journal develops. Since 2013, the first year that the journal received an impact factor, the factor has been steadily increasing.