Program areas at AHP
Education/meetings: ahp hosts in-person and virtual meetings to provide an opportunity for health care Philanthropy professionals to attend focused learning on programs that will enhance their current development program. Sessions include courses on fund raising, marketing, planning and communications.
Membership: ahp members include 8,000 professionals in north america and around the world who raise money for health care through Philanthropy. Ahp is the source for standards, knowledge and leadership for the seasoned professional, to those just entering the field and for those providing support to the health care Philanthropy industry.
Marketing and communications: ahp publishes, among others, a bi-weekly news brief, an Association newsletter, a journal, white papers, industry data, compensation reports, trends and benchmarks. The ahp website ( provides the latest information on industry best practices, educational events, publications, certification/recognition programs, a resource center, online communities, government relations activities, member benefits and services.