Program areas at APC
Communications and information policy programme (cipp). In 2023 the cipp programme implemented work that enabled digital inclusion for the most vulnerable (community networks); regional internet governance and human rights work in africa and asia. Program service fees are an important aspect for the continuation of the program.
Women's rights programme (wrp). The Association for Progressive Communications women's rights programme (apc wrp) has a long-term goal of ensuring that women and people of diverse sexualities and genders participate in, shape and co-create the internet and digital technologies that reflect and respond to their life. Program service fees are an important aspect for the continuation of the program.
Safety for voices(sfv). Sustaining defenders through feminist holistic security, or safety for voices, is a global south-based initiative implemented by a consortium led by the Association for Progressive Communications, with urgent action fund africa, urgent action fund asia and pacific and im-defensoras as consortium partners, that is focused on achieving "greater safety, both online and offline, for human rights defenders worldwide" with support from the dutch ministry of foreign affairs (dgis). Program service fees are an important aspect for the continuation of the program.
Global advocacy and policy (gaps)- leads global internet governance and human rights policy advocacy. Program service fees are an important aspect for the continuation of the program.cummunications unit - the Communications team manages apc's online and offline external Communications, publicity, social media presence, websites and publicatoins, including outreach to apc's members, partners and the media, to strategically contribute to furthering apc's advocacy objectives. Program service fees are an important aspect for the continuation of the program.technical unit - the technical systems and support team provides the necessary technical infrasrtcuture and support for apc porrammes, projects, staff and members to operate in stable, secure and reliable online spaces. Program service fees are an important aspect for the continuation of the development - the netdev team works closely with apc members and associates and staff as well as with close partners and collaborating networks to foster the development of a strong, sustainable and vibrant network. The team leads the work around new memberships and resource sharing within the network (including granting). Program service fees are an important aspect for the continuation of the program.