Program areas at Association of Children's Museums
Member services - provides members with information about developments in the field, professional practices, funding & funding initiatives. Also provides direct access to training & publications.
Asian exhibit initiative- program to travel asian exhibits to Museums to enhance knowledge of asian cultures.
The national science foundation's grant for research in the concept of; interplay: the practice of early learners developing stem skills through play and design. Through a partnership with the center for research on lifelong stem learning at Oregon state university, the project focuses on broadening participation at the start of the stem pipeline by supporting early stem learners through a greater contextual understanding of how exhibit design principles used in Children's Museums and science centers, the cultural relevance of play, and the development of early stem skills come together in an intersecting relationship to support quality, age-appropriate play that supports the development of early stem skills.
The institute of museum and library services impact agenda grant- restricted to projects whose work answers how children learn by bringing together scientists, museum evaluators, and museum leaders working in partnership with individuals deeply grounded in learning sciences.
Meetings and conferences - various meetings including annual conference with member seminars by recognized leaders in the fields of childhood development & Children's Museums.
Museums of all- a cooperative initiative with the institute of museum and library services to ensure that every family and child has access to a high-quality museum experience by offering deeply discounted admission to low-income families.
Children's discovery museum of san jose- Association of Children's Museums is an advisory and dissemination partner in this museum-led initiative to develop a cultural competence learning institute framework that will benefit Children's Museums throughout the united states.
Our worldwide day of play
Museum virtual programs
Fostering character