Program areas at Association Of Governing Boards Of Universities and Colleges
Conferences, institutes, convenings, and agb consulting: agb's conferences, institutes, webinars, and convenings provide critical education and professional development to highereducation Governing Boards, senior administrators, and key stakeholders. These programs equip participants with best practices, emerging trends, and governance strategies necessary to address complex challenges in higher education. Agb offered a range of virtual and in-person events, including the foundation leadership forum, board professionals conference, national conference on trusteeship, specialized institutes for board chairs and presidents, and virtual events focused on pressing issues like financial sustainability and board engagement. Agb proactively convenes members for advisory councils, content and program advisory groups, and editorial advising. Agb consulting continued to deliver customized guidance and support services to institutions and foundations, helping strengthen Governing Boards and position them for success. Services included board assessments, succession planning, governance reviews, strategic planning, and merger and partnership strategy.
Advocacy and public policy: agb works to ensure the views of our members are at the forefront of state and federal policy discussions regarding board governance, institutional leadership, student success, and institutional vitality. We work to improve society's understanding and perception of the value of higher education, and we sponsor a number of other advocacy projects that address pressing issues in higher education.
Insights, research, tools and other resources: in addition to trusteeship magazine published six times per year for members, agb publishes books, reports, board statements, blogs, survey findings, webinars, videos, podcasts, and other resources. These are contained in the agb knowledge center on, which serves as a content hub for best practices, expert insights, research reports, tools and toolkits, and other educational materials. Additionally, agb offers new board member orientation for introducing board members to higher education governance, essential board responsibilities, board composition, and boardroom culture, and a board professional certificate program.