Program areas at APLU
Food, agriculture, and natural resources: the commission on food, environment, and renewable resources (cferr) focuses on cross-cutting issues related to agriculture, forestry, human sciences, natural resources, ecological sciences, oceans and atmosphere, and veterinary medicine in the functional areas of research, extension, and academic programs. The commission seeks to formulate and implement an integrated federal relations program and formulate congressional budget recommendations in high-priority areas of national concern.
Research, innovation, and stem policy: the office of research, innovation, and stem policy's major focus is the science and math teacher imperative, a long-term effort to address the shortage of well-qualified science and math teachers.
Academic affairs conducts studies, issues reports, and makes presentations intended to improve the understanding of the academic undertakings of our members. In recent times it has devoted special attention to undergraduate education, including access, cost, financial aid, quality, time to degree, and accountability. The strategic analysis and projects group has carried out a number of projects related to providing greater accountability and capturing more accurate data (e.g., voluntary system of accountability, student achievement measure). Other projects have worked to improve and expand the use of learning technologies to achieve higher quality learning while containing costs (personalized learning consortium).
Office of urban initiatives - the office of urban initiatives' major focus is Public research Universities located in urban centers which play a crucial role in anchoring the community, fostering neighborhood and economic development of their cities, and advancing the health, education, and well-being of city resident.
All other programs including: congressional affairs, Public affairs, economic development, information technology, international programs, external diversity, equity & includsion, and data & analytics.