EIN 53-0193361

Association of The United States Army

IRS 501(c) type
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Association of The United States Army is a nonprofit educational and professional development association that provides a voice for the Army. It supports soldiers, their families and Army civilians, and honors those who have served. As the Army's premier nonprofit, educational and professional association, it educates through numerous events such as guest speaker presentations from Army and DoD leadership. Its Education and Programs (EDU&P) department informs and educates members on land warfare and the importance of the United States military.
Total revenues
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Num. employees

Program areas at Association of The United States Army

Ausa meetings:ausa hosts several educational and professional development events throughout the year, including:ausa coffee seriesthe ausa coffee series feature guest speakers from the Army and dod leadership. They offer members of the defense community an unparalleled opportunity to network with key military, congressional and industry leaders. Our keynote speakers for these events include the chief of staff of the u.s. Army, the sergeant major of the Army, and many other key leaders. 2022 ausa warfighter summit & expositionfayetteville, north carolinajuly 27-28, 2022the 2022 ausa warfighter summit and exposition featured presentations by distinguished speakers from across the defense and academic enterprise, including Army senior leaders and general officer led commands based on fort bragg. Topics spanned the seven warfighting functions and highlighted the way Army operational forces can sharpen their capability edge for winning throughout the expanded competitive space. This new event provided our attendees with the opportunity to:- learn about industry-leading equipment, products, innovative technology, and service solutions to address warfighter capabilities and requirements.- network with key decision-makers.- build partnerships with senior Army leaders to increase understanding of warfighters requirements.2022 ausa annual meeting & expositionwalter e. Washington convention center | Washington, dcoctober 10-12, 2022held every october at the walter e. Washington convention center in Washington, dc, the ausa annual meeting is the largest land power exposition and professional development forum in north america. This event consists of informative and relevant presentations, panel discussions on pertinent military and national security subjects, workshops, and important business meetings. Senior leaders from the Army, department of defense, department of homeland security, and other governmental agencies see this event as a key forum to present information about the Army's current and future readiness to perform their many missions. In 2022, more than 30,000 people attended this event, with 700 exhibitors from around the world displaying the latest technologies, products, and services. Exhibit space is sold to members of ausa, with some exceptions.2022 sofex usa security and defense pavilion organized by ausaaqaba, jordanoctober 31-november 2, 2022held every other year in jordan, sofex is one of the key international events focused on special operations and homeland security. Ausa is the official agent for the usa security and defense pavilion, which is supported by the u.s. government, officially certified by the u.s. department of commerce, and endorsed by the u.s. department of defense and american embassy. Ausa sells exhibit space to interested businesses and manages the program content of the usa security and defense pavilion. In 2022, sofex included:- 38 exhibiting countries- 400 official delegates- 100 countries - 98 international pavilions2023 ausa Army aviation hot topicgeneral gordon r. sullivan conference and events center | arlington, virginiafebruary 23, 2023senior leaders shared their thoughts on future aviation requirements, operations, logistics and acquisition to best equip and sustain the future aviation warfighter in support of ground maneuver in 2030. Panel members were also available for challenging questions from the audience.the theme for this event was "40th anniversary of the aviation branch: honoring the past & transforming for the future. "2023 ausa global force symposium & exposition von braun center | huntsville, alabamamarch 28-30, 2023held each year at the von braun center in huntsville, Alabama, the ausa global force symposium is a three-day educational and professional development forum. Exhibit space and sponsorships are sold to members and non-members of ausa. In 2023, more than 6,000 people from around the world participated in this event including key leaders from the Army, dod, academia, and the worldwide defense industry. In addition, more than 200 exhibitors displayed the latest technologies, products, and services.2023 ausa lanpac symposium & exposition sheraton waikiki | honolulu, hawaiimay 16-18, 2023held each year at sheraton waikiki in honolulu, hi, the ausa lanpac symposium is a three-day educational and professional development forum that focuses on the Army's mission in the indo-pacific region. Exhibit space and sponsorships are sold to members and non-members of ausa. In 2023, more than 2,000 people from around the world participated in this event including key leaders from the Army, dod, academia, allied nations, and the worldwide defense industry.2023 ausa Army cyber hot topicgeneral gordon r. sullivan conference and events center | arlington, virginiajune 14, 2023this important one-day event included more than 200 government, military, and industry professionals, as well as senior-level executives from u.s. Army and cyber related systems industry partners. Government and military attendees included key leaders involved in the research and development, procurement, sustainment, and training processes for u.s. Army cyber systems, and other leaders in the conceptual development.
Education and programs:ausa's education & programs (edu&p) is charged with informing and educating our membership; local, regional, and national leaders; and the american public on the critical nature of land warfare and the importance of the United States Army. In carrying out its mission, the department manages an educational program of professional publications, events and a podcast that are designed to focus the defense debate on issues of importance to the nation's security and on the vital role of the Army. - ausa's edu&p publications list: land warfare papersseries designed to provide an outlet for original, in-depth research essays. These monographs on key defense issues are written by defense subject matter experts and are screened and developed for publication by ausa's editorial board. Landpower essaysseries for original, opinion-style essays on timely defense topics. While the land warfare papers are heavily focused on research and are more academic in tone, the landpower essays are generally shorter and encourage a more conversational and reflective approach.spotlights highlight key issues, often technical in nature, that are relevant to the Army and its role in national defense. Spotlights are distributed to military and civilian leadership, selected segments of the american public, members of congress, key congressional staff, industry and the administration.special reports occasional publications that fall outside of our regular series. Whether they are short papers, mid-size pamphlets, or longer handbooks, they aim to inform constituents and to increase professional and sometimes familial development for soldiers and all those who serve in the defense community. Profile of the u.s. Army: a reference handbook a user-friendly reference book for people familiar with the Army and an easy-to-read introduction for family members, civilian employees, industry partners and future soldiers. Published every two years, it describes the Army's role as a key element in the national security structure as well as the Army's organization. Profile also contains information and graphics on the soldier, the uniform, the Army's command structure, Army families and the Army's current operations. Finally, profile contains an index of maps illustrating locations of current Army combat corps and divisions, Army national guard divisions and brigade combat teams and Army reserve direct reporting commands.- edu&p programs: contemporary military forums hosted during ausa's annual meeting, global force symposium, lanpac symposium, warfighter summit and other symposia throughout the year. These forums cover topics of current interest to Army professionals and ausa members, such as readiness, modernization, and reform. Ausa's senior executive roundtable series brings together knowledgeable senior leadership from both the Army and industry for small-group, in-depth discussions on Army capabilities and requirements in key mission areas. the roundtable generates feedback for the Army and creates informed advocates who can articulate the Army's future concepts and needs to the wide variety of audiences who contribute to these vital mission sets. There are seven sert topics (e.g., Army sustainment, Army infrastructure, Army air & missile defense); each sert assembles two to three times per year, is limited to 24 participants and is conducted with no audience, no press and no official minutes or recording. Noon report webinar seriesausa's noon report webinar series features presentations by senior Army leaders responsible for key programs and initiatives, as well as contemporary military authors who weave together the past, present and future story of the army.ausa's Army matters podcast seriesa rotating cast of hosts on our Army matters podcast provides vital information on Army and defense issues through interviews and conversations with military and civilian experts. A new episode is posted each monday, cycling through the four shows, with occasional special episodes. the goal of the podcast is to educate, inform, and connect with the public - extending ausa's educational reach to current and future members. the series includes soldier today, which focuses on professional development and trending issues for ncos; Army real talk, which discusses defense and national security issues targeted at younger generations; family voices, which focuses on military families and quality of life issues; and thought leaders, which conducts interviews with senior Army leaders and contemporary military authors.ausa book programausa's book program works with publishing partners to produce books about Army heritage, military history, and national security in order to foster understanding and appreciation of the u.s. Army and its soldiers. the program also creates the medal of honor graphic novel series.
Membership and chapter activities:ausa executes membership support at national, regional, and local levels through dedicated, engaged volunteer organizations in 9 regions and 121 chapters located across the United States and where soldiers are stationed around the world. Additional volunteers also serve as state presidents to help integrate efforts across statewide programs. Our programs support the concepts of lifetime service and soldier for life outcomes through membership and outreach efforts. Membership is open to all who support our mission and values. Members include individual and life members, industry members at national and community levels, and other member-based associations with common goals and objectives. We help connect civic leaders, academia, large and small businesses, and local communities to their Army and provide programs that lead to a better understanding of the complex and difficult issues and choices our Army faces in defending our nation. Scheduled events at the national, regional, and local levels keep soldiers and those who support them connected to a very busy and engaged Army. Chapters provide a series of year-round events, including staff rides, young professional mentoring and networking events, book and movie review programs highlighting leadership attributes, subject matter expert speakers, professional development symposia, family forums, social events that foster esprit and goodwill, and community projects that target needs at local levels. Chapters recognize soldiers, family members, and department of the Army civilians excellence and selfless service through local awards programs. Our chapters and regions also promote education and recognition of excellence through scholarships, contributions, and awards valued at $1m, annually. Ausa national headquarters provides annual training, resources, and tools for chapter volunteer leaders, a robust member benefits program, support to junior and senior reserve officer training corps programs at military and civilian universities, a highly acclaimed guide for soldiers transitioning out of the military, and support to soldier retirement and veterans homes. We also administer scholarship programs at a national level to encourage lifelong learning and keep pace with changing requirements.
Army magazine and other publications:the Association published a monthly publication - Army magazine - and two weekly digital publications - ausa's five things and ausa extra - aimed at providing army-specific and ausa-related information to Association members. the award-winning magazine includes feature articles and commentaries focusing on education and professional development, a core mission of the Association's charter. Ausa extra is a weekly newspaper covering news related to the Army, ausa events, and ausa chapter activities. Ausa's five things is a weekly forward-looking tip sheet for Association members providing insight into army-related news.
Government affairs, public affairs, and strategic industry donations:ausa government affairs manages the development and implementation of the Association's strategy for advocating ausa and total Army priorities with the United States congress, the department of defense, and like-minded organizations. Government affairs' work products include annually publishing ausa focus areas (advocacy priorities), plans to meet with congress to seek support for ausa and total Army priorities, hosting congressional staff during the ausa annual meeting and other ausa sponsored events.
Non-commissioned officer (nco) and soldier programs:nco and soldier programs provide professional development and educational materials for the Army's enlisted force. Approximately 83% of the regular Army, Army national guard, and the Army reserve consist of enlisted volunteers who serve for a specified period. Nco and soldier programs develop educational, leadership, mentoring, and professional development materials and programs suited for the soldiers and leaders of america's Army. These materials range from journal-type articles published for the monthly magazine and Army matters, and an on-line professional forum titled the noon report. All nco and soldier program publications provide leaders with the necessary tools needed for the professional development and growth of their soldiers and subordinate leaders in their respective organizations deployed globally. Nco and soldier programs provides in-person and virtual leader development forums to a diverse population ranging from junior soldiers through strategic level leaders across the Army. the professional development forums focus on topics relevant to the entire force. Nco and soldier programs provides support to soldiers, families, veterans, and community partners through ausa's 121 chapters and ausa's principal meetings conducted periodically throughout the year. Nco and soldier programs provides resources in support of programs delivered by the office of the sergeant major of the Army, sergeant major of the Army reserve, and the sergeant major of the Army national guard. Nco and soldier programs developed a life skills training program aimed at teaching critical life skills to junior enlisted soldiers across all three components of the United States Army.
Center for leadership:the ausa center for leadership educates, inspires, and connects leaders at the brigade level and below through leadership forums that strengthen the Army profession. It delivers relevant and inspirational programs that develop leaders of character and cohesive teams across the total army.the center for leadership participates in a myriad of forums and platforms to share leader development ideas and best practices. This includes the "on leadership" section of Army magazine, "leading great teams" podcast, three staff rides at the national museum of the United States Army, four leadership forums, the ausa leadership staff ride honoring the leadership and selfless service of african-american soldiers from 1775 to present, two leadership forums in support of the Nevada Army national guard and the Wisconsin Army national guard, the leader solarium at the ausa annual meeting, and the leadership forum at the lanpac symposium. Additionally, it established the ausa leadership fellows program, rebuilt the ausa young professionals program, and created the "building trust" leadership modules for ausa premium members in conjunction with memre.ai.

Grants made by Association of The United States Army

GranteeGrant descriptionAmount
Army Emergency ReliefTo Address Food Insecurity That Has Affected Soldiers and Families Across the Army$1,000,000
Fisher House FoundationSupport To Build Comfort Homes Where Military & Veteran Families Can Stay$152,461
Armed Services Ymca of the USA / Fayetteville ChapterTo Address Food Insecurity That Has Affected Soldiers and Families Across the Army$100,000
...and 6 more grants made

Who funds Association of The United States Army

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
National Philanthropic TrustPublic, Societal Benefit$25,000
Lives RestoredSee Part Iv$10,000
Paul J Mueller Jr and Ann K Mueller foundationGeneral & Unrestricted$10,000
...and 7 more grants received

Personnel at Association of The United States Army

Christine LathropPresident and Chief Executive Officer
Zain AbdullahChief Financial Officer
Ron CovillChief Information Officer
Alison FrenchSenior Mailroom Center$281,662
Richard MazeEditor in Chief$196,055
...and 41 more key personnel

Financials for Association of The United States Army

RevenuesFYE 06/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$4,772,390
Program services$28,185,868
Investment income and dividends$1,436,186
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$277,567
Net rental income$-111,094
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$698,896
Net income from fundraising events$168,649
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$23,531
Miscellaneous revenues$75,986
Total revenues$35,527,979

Form 990s for Association of The United States Army

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-062024-05-14990View PDF
2022-062023-05-08990View PDF
2021-062022-07-11990View PDF
2020-062021-05-25990View PDF
2019-062021-02-09990View PDF
...and 9 more Form 990s
Data update history
July 23, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 14 new personnel
July 23, 2024
Received grants
Identified 3 new grant, including a grant for $8,500 from California Community Foundation
July 16, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 7 new personnel
July 9, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
July 8, 2024
Used new vendors
Identified 1 new vendor, including
Nonprofit Types
Grantmaking organizationsInternational-focused organizationsProfessional associationsBusiness and community development organizationsMilitary and veteran charitiesHeadquarter / parent organizationsCharities
Community improvementForeign affairsWorld peacePublic policyBusiness and industryMilitary and veterans
MembershipsPolitical advocacyLobbyingPartially liquidatedFundraising eventsOperates internationallyNational levelReceives government fundingCommunity engagement / volunteeringProvides scholarshipsGala fundraisersTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
2425 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA 22201
Metro area
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Arlington County, VA
Website URL
(703) 841-4300
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
Q40: International Peace and Security
NAICS code, primary
813920: Professional Associations
Parent/child status
California AB-488 details
AB 488 status
May Operate or Solicit for Charitable Purposes
Charity Registration status
Current - Awaiting Reporting
FTB status revoked
Not revoked
AG Registration Number
FTB Entity ID
AB 488 data last updated ("as-of") date
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