Program areas at Association of Volunteers in International Service USA
Grants and programs in developing countries: avsi-usa seeks funding from us foundations and individuals to support carefully selected and monitored projects implemented with long-term partner organizations in developing countries. in uganda, deliver innovative, high-impact school based training and measure impact on teachers and students learning. in ecuador, to provide job placement and coaching services for young people in the marginalized areas of quito. in mexico, to improve education and nutrition in community day care centers. in drc to provide youth with market relevant vocational training and entreprenuership support.
Public and peer outreach activities expenses participation in workshops on education, child development, youth employment, refugee response, health and nutrition, and household economic strengthening. Participation in training and conferences, on project management, fundraising, and capacity building for non-profits, including through membership in interaction and society for International development (sid). Welcome and facilitate networking in Washington, dc and new york for representatives of peer organizations in the avsi global network such as avsi staff from uganda, kenya, haiti, and ukraine.
Relationship with institutions and donors. Continued and strengthened effort with the usg (usaid, us state department, usda) and potential ngo partners for opportunities in some selected countries. Continued effort to build relationships with private foundations and with individual donors through long-term campaigns with focus on refugees in the middle east and in south america. Strengthened participation in employee matching gift programs, especially through benevity platform and the world bank (cccampaign).